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Justice and Judaism: A Fireside Chat with B.J. Novak

Herbert Simon Family Foundation & Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation presents
Justice and Judaism: A Fireside Chat with B.J. Novak

Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30pm
Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation 

This event is free and open to the entire greater Indianapolis community.
We kindly ask you to fill out the registration form below so we can plan accordingly for your visit to IHC.
For the safety and security of all in attendance, we must have the first name, last name, and email address of you and each person you register to attend this event. 

After registering yourself, please press the (+) to register additional people. 

   Fireside chat tickets
   VIP - $200.00 - 48 of 50 Left


A VIP ticket includes: 
  • Reserved seating for fireside chat 
  • Reserved VIP parking 
  • A photo opportunity with B.J. Novak
  • A catered reception with beverages

Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation is able to host programs, like Justice and Judaism, in part due to the generous support we receive from our community. Any contribution, no matter the size, means IHC can bring innovative, visionary voices to engage with not only the Jewish community, but everyone in the greater Indianapolis community. 

Please consider making a donation to IHC, for an amount that is meaningful for you, so that more experiences, like this one, can come to fruition. 

It is Jewish custom is to give monetary gifts and donations in multiples of 18, because it is the numerical value of the Hebrew word chai, which means “life." Multiples of 18 would include the following dollar amounts: $18, $36, $54, $72, $90, $108, $126, $144, and so on. 

Thu, October 31 2024 29 Tishrei 5785